Issue with MERRA2 data from September 2020 - action is recommended!

Dear windPRO online-data user

NASA has notified us about an issue with the September 2020 release of the MERRA2 data. This data was released from NASA on October 20th, 2020 and added for distribution in windPRO on October 24th, 2020.

The MERRA2 science team at NASA does not recommend using these September 2020 data - and is currently reprocessing the data.

MERRA2 data from September 2020 has now been removed from the windPRO online-data services. For users who have downloaded MERRA2 data in the period between October 24th and November 3rd, we recommend that you consider taking the following actions with your windPRO project:

  • Remove the MERRA2-data for the month of September 2020
  • Redo any calculations or reports where you have used these September 2020 records

The actual nature of the issue is unknown to the windPRO online-data team. We will send out a new notification when new MERRA2 data for September 2020 has become available from NASA sources. A little more information is available at the windPRO wiki: here.

Best regards,
The windPRO online data team