Issue with MERRA2 data from September 2020 - Updated data now in windPRO!

Dear windPRO online-data user

As we informed on Tuesday November 3rd, NASA notified us about an issue with the September 2020 release of the MERRA2 data. The notification came with the recommendation not to use the current version of the data. As such, the data was deleted from the online-services of windPRO on Tuesday 3rd.

NASA has now released an updated version of the MERRA2 September 2020 data. This has been added to windPRO today, November 6th. The nature of the issue is still unknown to us, but it is confirmed that the issue influences the September 2020 monthly average wind speeds. In some cases, the difference between the recent version and the previous version is an error of up to 0.5 m/s, see our global map that visualizes the difference between the two batches of data here.

For users who have downloaded MERRA2 data between October 24th and November 3rd, we recommend that you consider taking the following actions with your windPRO project:

  • Remove the MERRA2-data for the month of September 2020
  • Download new MERRA2-data for the month of September 2020
  • Redo any calculations or reports where you have used the erroneous September 2020 records

You may identify the erroneous data and replacement data from the time-stamp for the data-files. Erroneous data are from late October (around the 23rd), while replacement data are from early November (around the 4th).

Further information is available at the windPRO wiki.

Best regards,
The windPRO online data team